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From the Everlasting Forest to the Gulf Coast

Willie Smits restored a decimated rainforest within four years.
Can we use his approach to save the Gulf Coast?

In a 2009 presentation given in Long Beach, California, biologist Willie Smits led his audience through the restoration of a rainforest that had been destroyed mainly for the production of bio fuel.

The Samboja Lestari (Everlasting Forest) blueprint for returning land back to health is based on several principles. First, local people must be involved every step of the way. In concert with being socially acceptable, the plan must be economically feasible, ecologically sustainable, have clear legal status, and be science based. The center concept is “Life in Harmony.” Smits integrated these principles with careful planning and help from advanced mapping technologies.

Smits and his team achieved significant reforestation within four years, with 137 species of birds, nine species of primates, lowered air temperature of three to five degrees, increased rainfall up to 25 percent, income for 3,000 people, and drinking water for 400,000 people.

If Willie Smits can achieve this level of success in East Borneo, perhaps there is hope for the Gulf Coast.

You can watch the reforestation evolve with amazing photos made possible from the European Space Agency on TED: Willie Smits restores a rainforest.

-- Lynn Robbins

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